LWVCA Sends Eight to Austin
Last month eight Comal Area Leaguers traveled to Austin for the LWV Texas Lobby Days to advocate for our priority issues: voting rights, public education, women's healthcare, water resources and conservation, and gun safety. We met with 5 local legislators or their legislative aides. Comments from our attendees include:
"As a new League member, I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was an inspiring and informative experience. Walking into the Capitol alongside other passionate members from across Texas was energizing. Engaging with legislators showed me how our voices truly make an impact and I can't wait for the next one!"
- Angela Freeman
"This was my first experience representing our members in this capacity, and I was apprehensive about talking to our elected legislators. Thankfully, I spoke about water which everyone understands is critical and that there is a need to make recommendations and changes now to ensure supplies for the next 50 years. Overall it was a great experience and we respectfully stated the LWV positions on issues and potential bills that will impact the lives of most Texans."
- Anne Gulick
"As a first time delegate, I was elated to be among like-minded women, engaging in face-to-face sessions, and expounding on the potential impacts of proposed legislation. I believe it is important for all of us to stand in unity to ensure that our elected officials are cognizant and recognize the concerns of their constituents."
-Tania Rickett