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LWV of the Comal Area
PO Box 311324
New Braunfels, TX 78131
Copyright � 2021 � All Rights Reserved � Terms of Use Privacy Policy � Powered by ClubExpress
Date: 10/23/2024
Subject: October VOTER
From: LWV Comal Area

October 2024 VOTER


Jerrie Champlin 
Kristen Coppock
Tania Rickett
Becky Waguespack
Kay Sherrill
Roxanna Deane
Anne Gulick
Helena MacCrossan
Sheila Pattison
Ada Conlan    
WHEN: Friday, Oc. 25,  Noon - 4 p.m.
WHERE: 2932 S IH Frontage Road
                New Braunfels
WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 20, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Tye Preston Memorial Public Library
          16311 South Access Rd
                 Canyon Lake
WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 14, 11 a.m.
Save the Date!  Invitations with details will be sent to all members.
WHAT: GOTV at Das Rec, MFPL and WCCL
WHEN: Varied days and times
        See Calendar     
WHERE:See Calendar
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Lila Nelson
New Braunfels
MV Poffenberger
New Braunfels
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2024 fall dates

h brunch image
From The President
At the Oct. 16 LWVCA Social Hour, we drank a toast to Nov. 6.  The last 5  months heading into the Nov. 5 Election, Comal Area Leaguers have done more Get Out The Vote and voter education than ever before and many of our members are working long hours at the polls as clerks and election judges. We're all pulling for higher voter turnout and then I think we'll  be ready to sit back and take some deep breaths. 
Thank you to every member, every donor and every community partner who contributed to our activities.  You have made so much possible! Please mark Dec. 16 on your calendar and join us for the annual Members' Holiday Brunch so we can say thank you in person.

Jerrie Champlin

Improve Grid
by Kristen Coppock, VP for Organization
ERCOT predicts Texas power demand will double by 2030.  Before Winter Storm Uri in 2021, few people knew about or had heard of the Electric Reliability Council Of Texas (ERCOT). But since then, there are frequent news reports about how it continues to navigate the precarious balance between supply and demand. In June 2024, ERCOT president and CEO Pablo Vegas told state lawmakers that power demand in Texas is growing even faster than expected. ERCOT had previously estimated overall capacity would need to grow from 85,000 to 110,000 Megawatts (MW) by 2030, but now nearly doubles that estimate to 150,000 MW.
Nov. 20, 2024, the League of Women Voters Comal Area will host Beth Garza, former ERCOT Deputy Director 2008-2014 and Director of the ERCOT Independent Market Monitor 2014-2019 to discuss solutions to Texas' increasing energy demands. Garza is a renowned industry leader in electricity market design and is known for her ability to convey the most complicated nuances of electricity markets. The meeting at the Tye Preston Memorial Public Library, 16311 S. Access Rd, Canyon Lake from 6 to 7:30 p.m is free and open to the public.
Included in the discussion will be the intricacies of Texas's power grid, its structure, challenges, and its role in ensuring a stable energy supply for the state. Texas market design and ideas for improvement, understanding and managing the supply mix combined with increasing demand. Do we need a new entity to be a distribution system operator, or could other utilities or ERCOT play that role? Why does Texas keep experiencing mass power outages, and are outages likely to continue?

GOTV fall 24
fall 24 pix
TY fall 24
Vote With Confidence
[Following is a statement issued by the LWV Comal Area President Jerrie Champlin Oct. 18, 2024, in response to signs promoting a false narrative you may see at Comal polling locations.  It also appeared as a Letter to the Editor in the Herald-Zeitung]
Volunteer Deputy Registrars (VDRs) from the League of Women Voters Comal Area (LWVCA) have registered over 400 voters and provided nonpartisan voting information to thousands in the last 100 days. The League’s goal is to empower voters to participate in our democracy with knowledge and confidence.  

LWVCA learned recently that an anti-democracy group plans to post signs near Comal polling locations that amplify a false narrative about immigrants and voting. Lies that are intended to undermine confidence in our elections and our democracy, and to silence voters. Analyses of voter data from 1999 to 2023 including reports by the Heritage Foundation, the Brennan Center for Justice and the Cato Institute have concluded that the legal checks and balances instituted in every state to ensure that only eligible citizens register and vote are working.

Every person who registers attests that they are a citizen and the registration application spells out that giving false information is a Federal and State crime. The state verifies that the drivers license or SSN used to register is valid. Texans must show a valid government issued photo ID to vote.  If they use the temporary driver’s license that legal immigrants can obtain as ID, they must show proof of citizenship. This may happen because DPS is so backed up that it can take many months to obtain an updated license or ID. 

Do not allow voter silencing efforts to silence your voice, your vote, your opportunity to have a say in decisions that impact your family.  Our elections are run by local county officials and trained election judges and poll workers from our communities, our neighbors, who faithfully work to provide a safe, accessible and transparent process that respects the will of the people. 

Your vote matters!  Make your plan to vote now!  Get the nonpartisan election information you need at and