LWVCA Hosts March Program on AI and Deep Fakes
Democracy is challenged when technology and disinformation leave voters confused about who and what to believe. Tuesday, March 19, the LWV Comal Area will host Professor Dale Blasingame discussing what voters need to be aware of when reviewing information and how we can combat mis- and disinformation.
Those interested can attend in person at the New Braunfels Public Library, 700 E. Common St., New Braunfels, 6 to 7:30 p.m.; watch via a Zoom live stream at
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86098659369?pwd=QzVHOUNTRG45S0lLbTk2U2lEY2ptUT09, Meeting ID: 860 9865 9369, Passcode: 673106; or watch a recording on our YouTube channel @lwvcomalarea7096 after the event. "We're thrilled to have Prof. Blasingame address this topic which is generating concern among voters. His presentation in 2022 re: media literacy was full of useful tips for evaluating online information and we're looking forward to learning more, " commented LWVCA President Jerrie Champlin.
Dale Blasingame is an associate professor of practice in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University in San Marcos where he received the 2017 Presidential Excellence Award for Teaching and the 2023 Presidential Excellence Award for Service. He is part of the Digital Media Innovation faculty and teaches courses that introduce students to different aspects of how technology is changing journalism, media and marketing. Before transitioning to TSU, Blasingame was a television news producer. He spent nine years at WOAI-TV in San Antonio where he won two Lone Star Emmy awards and was nominated for a third.