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LWV of the Comal Area
PO Box 311324
New Braunfels, TX 78131
Copyright � 2021 � All Rights Reserved � Terms of Use Privacy Policy � Powered by ClubExpress
Date: 12/10/2023
Subject: December VOTER
From: LWV Coimal Area

December 2023 VOTER


Jerrie Champlin 
Kristen Coppock
Becky Waguespack
Joyce Doyle
Kay Sherrill
Roxanna Deane
Anne Gulick
Sheila Pattison
League Leaders Needed
           Contact Us

  WHAT: Holiday Brunch*
WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 16, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
    Members will receive invitation
    with details and RSVP
*Members must log in to see volunteer & member events on website*
WHEN: Monday, January 15
WHERE: New Braunfels, TX
For more information,  go to
WHEN: Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 6 p.m.
WHERE: Tye Preston Memorial Library
                16311 S Access Rd.
                Canyon Lake, TX 78133

Most people join the League 
 because they are asked.
Ask a friend!
Ready to Join? 

From The President
 Thank you to all our Giving Tuesday donors who have made possible an increased distribution of Voters Guides in 2024!
Members, join us at the Holiday Brunch to catch up with your fellow Leaguers and hear about what's coming in 2024!  Share your thoughts on the theme for a 2024 Mock Election to help educate those not yet eligible to vote about the joys of voting! Find out what volunteer opportunities are coming up and sign up!
To all our interested supporters, have you considered joining the League as a member? We're a small and welcoming group making a difference in our community.
Happy Holidays to all!

 -Jerrie Champlin
My Favorite Meeting
by Joyce Doyle, Election Information Director
The Holiday Brunch is without a doubt my favorite League meeting of the year. The first thing you notice is the scent and sight of the delicious food and the beautiful holiday home. Or perhaps first will be the wonderful welcome you receive. We're so lucky to have Fran opening up her heart and hospitality for all of us to enjoy. But the best part is getting to know other League members. You can bring questions and discuss ideas or just partake in a pleasant chat.
Please join us and see what you think.
[Editor's note:  Members, please RSVP by Dec. 13 per the invitation. If you did not receive one, please check to see if your membership expired]



Public Program To Observe Human Trafficking Month
by Kristen Coppock, V-P for Organization

This January is Human Trafficking Month designed to educate the public about the problem and how each of us can make difference.  The League of Women Voters Comal Area (LWVCA) will host a presentation by the Ransomed Life Advocacy Group on January 17, 2024, at 6 p.m., at the Tye Preston Memorial Library, 16311 S Access Rd, Canyon Lake, TX 78133.

Human Trafficking is a crime that involves exploiting a person for labor or services. According to the United Nations, there are more slaves in the world today than there have ever been in history and it is alarming how prevalent the problem is in Texas. Despite the nearly worldwide adoption of international and domestic norms to address and prevent human trafficking, traffickers continue exploiting people in the United States and around the world.

Ransomed Life is an organization providing services to trafficking victims and works to educate people about solutions and the role they can play in preventing and responding to human trafficking. The program will focus on red flags, internet safety tips, safe employment, steps to take, the dangers of technology, including strategies used by child predators. Ransomed Life believes through the power of education, we can help prevent further exploitation of children by creating a more watchful community.  For more information go to


by Roxanna Deane,Webmaster


With a new year beginning, it is a good time to be sure all your information is up-to date on the website.  Log into your account and then  click on the down arrow next to your name and open your profile.

  • Basic Member Information Click to be sure your contact information is correct and make any changes.  Be sure to hit save at the bottom of the page to save your updates.  Hit cancel if you don’t make any changes.
  • Additional Member Data  Make any changes to your level of involvement.
  • Standard Member Directory  The directory is visible only to other members when they log in.  Please check the very first box “Visibility”.  Almost 20 members aren’t showing up in the directory because  “Do Not List Me in the Directory” was chosen.  This may have been the default and you didn’t notice.  You can choose how much information (phone number, address etc.) to show and be assured your information is not visible to the public.  Also please consider uploading a photo.  Someone may remember your face but not your name.
  • Your Website Functions – interests  Click this to list your interests, information about you and how you can volunteer.  Indicating your interests will let us know who to reach out to with opportunities in these categories.

Comal County Parks, Open Space & Natural Area

Master Plan Up for Approval

by Roxanna Deane, Treasurer

“In August 2022, Comal County engaged Halff Associates, Inc. to prepare a countywide Parks, Open Space, and Natural Areas Master Plan (Master Plan). The Master Plan is a policy document that identifies and summarizes existing conditions and the strategic needs of the County with regard to parkland and natural areas. Informed by a robust public engagement and planning process, the strategies and recommendations provided in the plan can be utilized at the discretion of the County and its partners to preserve and enhance the parkland, recreational facilities, and natural areas that serve the residents of Comal County.” 

(Page 1.3 of the Master Plan)

The Master Plan is available on the Comal County Engineer's webpage.  There is an executive summary, full plan, and appendices. The Comal Area League first took a position on Land Use Planning in Comal County in 2006 and revised it in 2017: Facts and Issues for Land Use Planning in Comal County  Section E of that position states, " the Commissioners Court of Comal County should develop a financing, acquisition, and maintenance plan for parks and natural areas in the county to include: 1. large natural preserves; 2. hiking, biking, and walking trails; 3. wildlife habitat and wildlife corridors; 4. and sports fields, playgrounds, and other recreational areas".


This current Master Plan falls short of actually committing to financing, acquiring, and maintaining parks and natural areas. But it is an important first step in determining the priorities and strategies. A vote on approving this plan will be taken by the Comal County Commissioners at their regular meeting on Dec. 14.  For more information about the meetings, go to Comal County Commissioners Court.

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