Comal County Parks, Open Space & Natural Area
Master Plan Up for Approval
by Roxanna Deane, Treasurer
“In August 2022, Comal County engaged Halff Associates, Inc. to prepare a countywide Parks, Open Space, and Natural Areas Master Plan (Master Plan). The Master Plan is a policy document that identifies and summarizes existing conditions and the strategic needs of the County with regard to parkland and natural areas. Informed by a robust public engagement and planning process, the strategies and recommendations provided in the plan can be utilized at the discretion of the County and its partners to preserve and enhance the parkland, recreational facilities, and natural areas that serve the residents of Comal County.”
(Page 1.3 of the Master Plan)
The Master Plan is available on the Comal County Engineer's webpage. There is an executive summary, full plan, and appendices. The Comal Area League first took a position on Land Use Planning in Comal County in 2006 and revised it in 2017: Facts and Issues for Land Use Planning in Comal County Section E of that position states, " the Commissioners Court of Comal County should develop a financing, acquisition, and maintenance plan for parks and natural areas in the county to include: 1. large natural preserves; 2. hiking, biking, and walking trails; 3. wildlife habitat and wildlife corridors; 4. and sports fields, playgrounds, and other recreational areas".
This current Master Plan falls short of actually committing to financing, acquiring, and maintaining parks and natural areas. But it is an important first step in determining the priorities and strategies. A vote on approving this plan will be taken by the Comal County Commissioners at their regular meeting on Dec. 14. For more information about the meetings, go to Comal County Commissioners Court. |